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Lijie Yu

She started the aesthetic nurse training 5 years ago, she is dedicated to enhance client’s nature beauty and confidence in themselves. She is very focus on delivering a satisfactory service that tailored to the needs of our individual clients.

She is passionate about non surgical aesthetic, her caring and friendly nature make her clients feel very comfortable to discuss their concerns and desired result. She will always take into consideration of the clients needs,age , unique skin type and face structure and have eyes of details when it come to the art of cosmetic injectables. Her gentle pleasant nature with the extensive nursing experience and cosmetic professional injection skills will put customer at ease.

资深医美护士 – 于女士

Jie 是有25 年护理经验的澳洲注册护士,曾经在墨尔本皇家儿童医院,和墨尔本皇家医院做临床及临床管理工作 , 目前仍然在皇家医院做兼职。丽杰有丰富的临床工作经验,做过新生儿,儿科,心脏导管、神经介入。由于对美的热爱,她5 年前又开始挑战自己做了微整形工作,获得了澳洲及韩国的医美资格证书。她在墨尔本外科微整形门诊,在澳洲的有名的皮肤品牌店都工作过。因为她在业内的口碑找她工作的门诊很多。

她每年都参加Allergan 和Galderma 的大师级别的技术培训,她具有可以发现美和独特的审美标准,致力于帮助客人发现自己的美,还原她们的自然美。她会依据客户的文化、年龄、皮肤特质为每位客户私人定制适合她们的治疗方案。她对医美的热爱会体现在每一份她的工作上,她喜欢精益求精,照顾到微小细节、她的客人都喜欢她,甚至带上自己的亲人朋友一起来约她的门诊。Lijie 真诚、热情、和蔼可亲的性格,外加她专业的技术和独特的审美能力,给了她良好的口碑。相信她会为你的美丽加分!护航!

Lijie Yu
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